Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Table Chores, or Get Me Out of the Kitchen

works for me wednesday at we are that family

After grumbling to my husband about the number of able-bodied persons who mysteriously disappear right after supper, I decided it was time to re-implement our Table Chores. These are simple jobs that do not change. Each child knows what his chore is, and as long as I remember to issue the charge, "Table Chores!" they get done quickly. This is one area where the children really can be a big help. The five minutes that we take to clear up together easily saves me a half hour of work.

Ethan and I refrigerate the leftovers, transfer the dishes from the sink to the dishwasher, and sweep. I could delegate these chores to children as well, but I'm a little too picky about these tasks.

Table Chores. These really work for me!


  1. I love your list of table chores for all the children! But. . .please be careful what you feed the dog! All table scraps aren't good for dogs and some can cause big problems.

  2. Annie, we're sure to keep our dog on a steady diet of chocolate, xylitol, and chicken bones.

    I jest...although he did once have curry and that is the only time he will EVER have that. I have enough to clean up without that mess!

  3. I love Gideon and Salem's responsibilities!

    I love to tell my children "Many hands make light work~!"


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