Thursday, April 21, 2011

{pretty, happy, funny, real}: Apr. 21

[photo credits: Miriam, age 5]

For more photos of everyday life, visit:



  1. You and your babies are beautiful. :)

  2. Beautiful pictures! Your five year old does very well!

  3. Handing a child a camera is a real smart way to capture the real moments!

  4. I was thinking, "this girl has attitude!", and then I noticed which of your labels is the largest, and - ha ha!!

    God bless you! Keep your sense of humor!

  5. This is so very pretty, happy, funny and real! Thank you for sharing! And from one Miriam to your Miriam: great photography!

  6. Oh, I love your beautiful babies! And how you radiate joy! Lovely photos (your Miriam might need her own camera sometime soon!)

  7. It always surprises me what a child captures on film. I am not one who likes to have my picture taken, but I do realize that if I don't do it, my kids are going to grow up and say, "Where was Mom in all these pictures?"

    I was just absolutely proud as could be that she got heads in her photos.


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