Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Gifts from Afar

My mother-in-law from Alaska recently thawed out vacationed in Hawaii, and last night brought giggles and shrieks as the children unwrapped a goody package she sent, full of bright, sunny treasures. This after an afternoon at the park (including picnic) and evening at the library (where they actually got to go IN instead of waiting with one parent while the other dashed in to grab whatever could be grabbed in five minutes' time). Yesterday definitely qualified as "one of the best days of my life" (direct quote from Child #1).




However, Child #5 wanted nothing to do with having her picture taken or being restrained by siblings for said picture. I guess she had other plans, like downing a baby margarita or surfing the...um...bathtub.


Aloha 2


1 comment:

  1. I just love it when kids say things like that!! Like when Abigail opened her Christmas presents she said, "OH WOW!! A ___ (insert present)! This is exactly what I always wanted for Christmas!" And for that very moment you feel like the best Mom in the whole world :)


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