Friday, February 29, 2008

Winning ISN'T Everything

I have been beaten. Defeated. Trodden. Mercilessly slain.


It wasn't bad enough that he got a "Yahtzee" on the first round. Or another one a couple of rounds later. No, he had to get the small straight, the large straight, the full house, and two four-in-a-rows, one of which he was forced to use as the three-in-a-row. He went on to get his whole top, gaining the extra 35 points (which, by this point, was just showing off, in my opinion).


And even when I used my usual Yahtzee math calculations and forgot to add the extra 100 points for his superfluous rolling of identical dice, he STILL walloped me by a good 50 points.


I am undone.


If you don't know how to play Yahtzee, give thanks. If your husband doesn't, give an extra thanks.


You have been spared the agony of gaming abuse.


Score Card

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