Monday, May 8, 2017


Chantrelle Dimarco says she loves to create areas of "wild wonder" in everyday locales for Teague and Finley.

"It will spark their imaginations, calm their hearts, and create a space of everyday joy."

This husband of mine. The previous is an email he sent me, proving that even he can pose as a thirty-something eco-conscious minimalist mother of two from New York City.

When really, this. The wider view:

So I suppose that does make me feel better. We do have the necessary components for minimalism. They are just hiding behind all the stuff.


  1. Hi, Chantrelle here, I just wanted to thank you for sharing my post. Have a wild and wonderful life.

    1. And YOU, "Chantrelle," are a goober.

      Aaah, the perils of sharing a google account with the husband...


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