Sunday, March 1, 2015

Time for Tea

©Mary Engelbreit

Mary is our friend. Mary is three.

On Thursday, Mary held her had-to-be-twice-postponed tea party. Ada was her guest.

Ada is two, or as she puts it "Almost three -- in March!"

Miriam (9) was her chaperone and fellow party-goer. Her main job was to make sure Ada could find the bathroom in someone else's house. And also to make sure that a certain little Teapot, short and stout, did not get all steamed up and begin to shout. 

They made tea and pizza and little crowns. She did not make a scene.

Which, really, is the Only Rule as far as Tea Parties for Three-Year Olds (and those who are almost): No Fits.

Good girl!

1 comment:

  1. What a nice surprise. Your blog showed up for the first time in a long time. For some reason, I'd missed the last five posts. So nice to catch up.


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