Thursday, October 25, 2007

Senior Sermon RELIEF


After the long, frustrating nights…


And the writing and writing…


And writing and writing….


And throwing away and starting over…


And writing and writing….


And rewriting and reworking…


And driving in the pouring rain, water gushing down as he tried to read obscure street signs in the dark, straining to hear me on the cell phone as I gave equally obscure directions from the Internet…


And finding a hotel that wouldn’t break the bank with a bed that wouldn’t break his back…


And waking early to practice and pray and practice and pray…


And me waking several times last night to worry and pray and worry and pray…


It. Is. Over.


I got the call a little after 1:00 this afternoon. “Well,” I gulped. “How’d it go?”


“It went better than I thought it would.” [A most unusual phrase to come from my husband’s mouth.] “They had a few suggestions and some very kind comments.”


And even the suggestions were gracious: the Greek professor thought the text (the Scripture portion he chose) could have been shorter to allow for more Greek exegesis; the homiletics professor argued that the text could have been shorter to allow for more application.


Glowing words of praise, even if I do say so myself.


And I do.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, we have a handful of those books!

    Angela b.


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