Tuesday, April 7, 2015

He Is Risen! Alleluia! He Is Risen Indeed!

This Resurrection Day passed as many of the others have, with resurrection hymns and copious amounts of candy from who-knows-where, and a nap and sunshine.

I do believe Salem felt the sunshine was just a bit much. No matter how she tried, her eyes did NOT want to stay open out there.

And a sweet, unexpected gift: my friend Deidra emailed with a "Can I make your girls some Easter dresses?" to which the only answer is, of course, a hearty, "YES!"

It made me smile to think of her sweetness as I looked at my girls and all of their gussied-up rambunctiousness and precociousness. (And now I'm wondering: Did my 3yo have her shoes on the wrong feet all day? "No," she would argue. "Those are my feet.")

He is risen! Alleluia!
He is risen indeed!


  1. Man, they are getting big! Beautiful!

  2. Your Easter picture is so great! Those dresses turned out beautifully!

  3. :) Love the header photo. REAL life. ;) Those dresses are so cute. I just love the things 3 yos say. :)


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