Wednesday, August 17, 2011

On Blogging

I have a complicated relationship with blogging. I enjoy blogging, so long as I feel it requires nothing from me; and I enjoy reading others' blogs, so long as I feel they require nothing from me.

Maybe that's not so complicated.

But I hate formulaic blogging.

Do you know what I mean? These are the heavily followed, heavily commented upon blogs that contain post after post of 

  • four bulleted items to include in every prayer time, or
  1. ten numbered chores to be done each day, or 
important underlined things never to be forgotten when trying to get out of debt, or

Nuggets of Wisdom Encased in Headings, or

Did you know you should end each post with an italicized question in order to get feedback?

and I just want to scream, "OH, GET OVER YOURSELF!!"

Because, really, most of the problems that women have (and it is mostly women) who read these blogs could be solved by the gentle, solid advice to "Get. Off. The. Computer." (Please do note my hypocrisy here. I am, after all, on the computer. But I shouldn't be.)

And so I try to stay away from these sorts of blogs. They have enough followers; they don't need me. But sometimes I have gotten suckered into following what I thought was a humorous, well-written (if not oft-written) blog about daily (or weekly, or monthly) life, only to have that blogger decide she (because it's always been a "she") needed to use her blog for money-making purposes; and before I know it, this enjoyable blogger has gone to some blogging conference and now daily (and sometimes twice a day) composes unenjoyable posts of four bulleted items to include in every prayer time, and ten numbered chores to be done each day, and important underlined things never to be forgotten when trying to get out of debt, and Nuggets of Wisdom Encased in Headings, and does she have to end each post with a question?

And then what am I to do? Because I know this person has it in her to be funny and poignant and witty and relate-able, and she's selling herself short (I hate it when people say "pun intended," so I won't) by making money and gaining followers.

Really, this is a no-brainer. What am I to do?

Unfollow her, of course! I don't know these people, and they don't know me. I don't have time to worry about Charlotte (name changed to protect the sell-out)'s writing career or financial status. Just as I am not under contract to finish a poorly-written book, I do not have to continue reading a blogger who has fallen.

What is the point of all this? I don't know, really, except to say that if you are not writing post after post of informative, instructive tidbits of wisdom, if you are not receiving comment after comment and link-up after link-up, if your self-esteem is not dependent upon feedback to your posts...

I think you're on the right track.


  1. Thanks. This is encouraging. I really, really try to NOT be the person you described in most of this post, and instead be the blogger you described in the last paragraph. I hope I am.

  2. I don't think I've ever used bulleted points in my blogs. :) And thanks for reading and leaving occasional comments. I don't make any money off of you.

  3. Jaimie, as long as you're having fun with it and enjoying the craft of writing (which is, of course, the whole medium of blogging), GREAT!

    Mary, I won't fault you if you choose to use bullets. Just so long as it isn't every post. And for goodness' sake...YOU are the person I long to see post a tutorial on making your salsa! Maybe if I paid you?

  4. I agree with you because:
    * I hate seeing all kinds of ads pop up.
    * I mostly read blogs to be enterained, informed, or to keep up with my friends.
    * I am on the computer way too much as it is, although I now have to fight my oldest for the computer because he has courses and schoolwork he needs to use it for.

    What's up with that?


  5. Andrea,

    Looks like you recovered your sense of humor :)

    Thanks for making me laugh! You are always *so* subtle.

  6. Yup. That's me...subtle. Pardon me while I move before lightning strikes me.

  7. Wow. You made me think of one blog in particular, which was commercial in nature but was still great until the author's book was published. Then I noticed how she hardly ever mentioned her faith anymore, as if that might narrow her audience, and then it became more and more the formula that you just described, and ugh i had to get away. Your post is funny. Popped over from LMLD.

  8. This totally cracked me up. And I agree wholeheartedly.

    {found you by way of Pleasantview Schoolhouse....}


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