Toad using Turtle as a lily pad:
The well-researched terrarium (thanks to the impulse purchase of a used copy of Hillcourt's Field Book, which Ben finds indispensable):
Just when I'm feeling especially negligent about my children's learning and schooling, along comes (providentially, I'm convinced) a tutor to live with us for a week. Not only did she instruct through her instinctual affection for the natural world, she fixed meals, dressed children and brushed their teeth, put little ones down for naps, and played wholeheartedly with all from dawn to dusk.
Last weekend, friends from our last church (my Very Good Friend Sue) came camping here to try out their new-to-them camper. They went home on Sunday but left their oldest daughter here for the week.
Kay found a large tupperware container, which was quickly turned into a terrarium. By day's end, two toads (one red, one brown), a turtle, and a lizard named Kenley were munching happily on grasshoppers.
Kayleen (or Kay-la-leeeeen, as Edee says) is at her house now. But she's welcome back anytime!
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