Sunday, August 23, 2009

Honeydew You Love Me?


Yes, and I love cantaloupe.



Just look at all that scrumptious dripping juice. Ethan sure does know how to pick 'em.


photo: part of this week's bounty from the Farmer's Market, carved and ready for Sunday fellowship



  1. Did you carve it and then put it back together? or did you just make it look like it was all in pieces, put back together? DO TELL!!!! :) Oh... and congrates on your twin pregnancy... if anyone can do it, YOU CAN!!!! ---Patti

  2. peppermintpatti: I followed the instructions at, only he uses specialty knives and I free-handed with a paring knife. But if you google "carved cantaloupe," you will find a lot of exquisite carvings that make mine look like a preschool craft.

    But this was fairly simple to carve. I mean, simple enough that I was on the cell phone with my mother-in-law the entire time, so you can do it with one shoulder frozen in a shrugged position.

  3. Thanks, Rachel... I'll have to try that... my church congregation will flip!! I am known for my casseroles and very simple fruit crisps for desserts! :)


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