Friday, April 10, 2009

Edee in the Van


The other night, we were driving around town while the older four were at AWANAs (this is not a promotion for that organization, believe me -- it's a desperate attempt to have our kids meet other kids). All my misgivings about our efforts to help them socialize aside, I guiltily enjoy this hour-and-a-half (a little less given the time it takes to sign kids in/out) with just Ethan and the younger two. The youngest typically act . . . older . . . without the others, and it's fun to have the mental and physical capability to focus just on them and interact wholeheartedly.




Let me just get on with the story . . .


Eden (2) and Jonathan (9 mos.) were in the van with us, and Edee burped. Loudly.


"EXCUSE YOU!" she yelled.

"No, you mean, 'Excuse ME,'" I corrected.




Well. You know what happened. We went back and forth, Ethan and I trying to get her to say "Excuse me." "Say Me me me me me excuse me!"


"Me me me me me excuse YOU!"


And on and on.


Until she burped again.


"Jon-Jon burped!!"

"No, that was you."


"Oh. You're welcome!"




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