Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Senior Sermon

CarpeBanana indirectly gave me the idea to reward my husband's recent long, long nights of sermon preparation with an uplifting T-shirt. Not only is my husband preaching his senior sermon on I Corinthians 10 (albeit a few verses before the one on the shirt), but an encouraging word from the grave (even if it's only attributed to Martin Luther) can be quite comforting. Especially when it involves the words "beer," "sleep," and "heaven."


Ethan has finally left for South Carolina (7-8 hour drive) to preach his senior sermon. I told him I couldn’t wait for him to leave so he could hurry up and get back. He’ll only be gone for two days…he preaches his sermon tomorrow and then comes home after that…but it’s the exhilaration of knowing this headache-inducing senior project is OVER. Ethan’s no stranger to preaching – God’s providence has seen fit to provide him with plenty of preaching opportunities at nearby churches in our denomination – but the thought of having professors and students grill him afterwards is more than a little exasperating.


He has done a good job of taking it all in stride. He has tried not to think of this as some kind of measurement of success or application, but as another sermon where he shares God’s Word with His people. My prayer is that the students and professors will view it that way, too, and offer constructive criticism and encouragement. He has worked hard and long hours on this text, and it’s a good thing I’m not going. I think I would have a few choice words that were, um…not-so-godly, if anyone dared to criticize him!


This way, he can phone me with the results, and then I can cool off for 7 hours before he gets home.


And I’ve heard the sermon. And frankly, he did a darn good job, and I won’t believe a word to the contrary.





  1. I got my DH a few similar shirts a couple years ago for his birthday... he still enjoys the comments in public. :)

    Hope the sermon goes well.

  2. I love this shirt! What a great gift!! The last line sounds suspiciously like a German drinking song. Do you think they stole it from Martin Luther??? I dug up some of the text:

    In Heaven there is no beer

    (No beer?!)

    That's why we drink it here

    And when we're all gone from here

    Our friends will be drinking all the beer.

    In Heaven there is no wine

    (No wine?!)

    So we drink till we feel fine

    And when we leave this all behind

    Our friends will be drinking all the wine.

    In Heaven there is no fear

    (No fear)

    So we worry too much here

    And we drink ourselves full of beer

    To help us when we deal with the fear.

    Thankfully Ethan and you utilized prayer rather than beer to deal with his senior sermon! Congrats on the successful completion of his big project!!

  3. They do sound very familiar, don't they!

    But of course, I think there are probably *LOTS* of quotes/drinking songs that link beer and heaven....

    But I like the song! I'll have to get you to sing it to me :)



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